A global call for action to include gender in research impact assessmentOvseiko PV, Greenhalgh T, Adam P, Grant J, Hinrichs-Krapels S, Graham KE, Valentine PA, Sued O, Boukhris OF, Al Olaqi NM, Al Rahbi IS, Dowd AM, Bice S, Heiden TL, Fischer MD, Dopson S, Norton R, Pollitt A, Wooding S, Balling GV, Jakobsen U, Kuhlmann E, Klinge I, Pololi LH, Jagsi R, Smith HL, Etzkowitz H, Neilsen MW, Carrion C, Solans-Domènech M, Vizcaino E, Naing L, Cheok QHN, Eckelmann B, Simuyemba MC, Msiska T, Declich G, Edmunds LD, Kiparoglou V, Buchan AMJ, Williamson C, Lord GM, Channon KM, Surender R, Buchan AM. A global call for action to include gender in research impact assessment. Health Res Policy Syst. 2016;14:50.C-Change Publications
A novel measure of “good” mentoring: testing its reliability and validity in four academic health centersPololi L, Evans A, Civian J, Gibbs B, Gillum L, Brennan R. A novel measure of "good" mentoring: testing its reliability and validity in four academic health centers. J. Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 2016;36(4):263-268.C-Change Publications
Are researchers in academic medicine flourishing? A survey of midcareer Ph.D. and physician investigatorsPololi LH, Evans AT, Civian JT, Cooper LA, Ninteau K, Gibbs BK, Bloom Feshbach K, Brennan RT. Are researchers in academic medicine flourishing? A survey of midcareer Ph.D. and physician investigators. J Clin Trans Sci. 2023;7(1):e105. doi:10.1017/cts.2023.525C-Change Publications
Assessing institutional culture for inclusive excellence in the academic health sciencesPololi LH, Brimhall-Vargas M, Madison MT. Assessing institutional culture for inclusive excellence in the academic health sciences. J Gen Intern Med. Published online August 8, 2024:s11606-024-08976-4. doi:10.1007/s11606-024-08976-4C-Change Publications
Assessing the culture of residency using the C-Change Resident Survey: validity evidence in 34 U.S. residency programsPololi L, Evans A, Civian J, Shea S, Brennan R. Assessing the culture of residency using the C-Change Resident Survey: validity evidence in 34 U.S. residency programs. J General Internal Medicine. 2017;32:783-789. doi:10.1007/s11606-017-4038-6.C-Change Publications
Assessing the learning environment for medical students: an evaluation of a novel survey instrument in four medical schoolsPololi LH, Evans AT, Nickell L, Reboli AC, Coplit LD, Stuber ML, Vasiliou V, Civian JT, Brennan RT. Assessing the learning environment for medical students: an evaluation of a novel survey instrument in four medical schools. Academic Psychiatry. 2017;41:354-359.
C-Change Publications
Capsule commentary on Pololi et al., Assessing the culture of residency using the C-Change Resident Survey: validity evidence in 34 US residency programsKohli AR. Capsule commentary on Pololi et al., Assessing the culture of residency using the C-Change Resident Survey: validity evidence in 34 US residency programs. J Gen Intern Med. 2017; ;32:799. doi:10.1007/s11606-017-4056-4.
C-Change Publications
Changing the culture of academic medicine: perspectives of women facultyPololi LH. Changing the culture of academic medicine: perspectives of women faculty. Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College Press; 2010.
C-Change Publications
Changing the culture of academic medicine: the C-Change Learning Action Network and its impact at participating medical schoolsKrupat E, Pololi LH, Schnell ER, Kern DE. Changing the culture of academic medicine: the C-Change Learning Action Network and its impact at participating medical schools. Academic Medicine. 2013;88:1252-1258.C-Change Publications
Creating a more supportive and inclusive university culture: a mixed-methods interdisciplinary comparative analysis of medical and social sciences at the University of OxfordOvseiko PV, Pololi LH, Edmunds LD, Civian JT, Daly M, Buchan AM. Creating a more supportive and inclusive university culture: a mixed-methods interdisciplinary comparative analysis of medical and social sciences at the University of Oxford. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews. 2019. doi: 10.1080/03080188.2019.1603880C-Change Publications
Experiencing the culture of academic medicine: gender matters, a national studyPololi LH, Civian JT, Brennan RT, Dotollo AL, Krupat E. Experiencing the culture of academic medicine: Gender matters, a national study. J. of General Internal Medicine. 2013;28:201-207.C-Change Publications
Faculty vitality–surviving the challenges facing academic health centers: a national survey of medical facultyPololi LH, Evans AT, Civian JT, Gibbs BK, Coplit LD, Gillum LH, Brennan RT. Faculty vitality — surviving the challenges facing academic health centers: a national survey of medical faculty. Academic Medicine. 2015;90:930-936.C-Change Publications
Gender equity in academic rheumatology and how to advance it: a cross-sectional study to inform a EULAR task forceOvseiko PV, Gossec L, Andreoli L, Kiltz U, van Mens L, Hassan N, van der Leeden M, Siddle, HJ Alunno HJA, McInnes I, Damjanov NS, Apparailly F, Ospelt C, van der Horst-Bruinsma I, Nikiphorou E, Druce KL, Szekanecz Z, Sepriano A, Avcin T, Bertsias G, Schett G, Keenan A, Pololi LH, Coates LC. Gender equity in academic rheumatology and how to advance it: a cross-sectional study to inform a EULAR task force. In pressC-Change Publications
Group peer mentoring is effective for different demographic groups of biomedical research faculty: a controlled trialPololi LH, Evans AT, Civian JT, McNamara T, Brennan RT. Group peer mentoring is effective for different demographic groups of biomedical research faculty: a controlled trial. PLoS ONE. 19(3): e0300043. Publications
Group peer mentoring: an answer to the faculty mentoring problem? A successful program at a large academic department of medicine Pololi LH, Evans AT. Group peer mentoring: an answer to the faculty mentoring problem? A successful program at a large academic department of medicine. J. Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 2015;35:192-200.
C-Change Publications
Mentoring faculty in academic medicine: a new paradigm?Pololi L, Knight S. Mentoring faculty in academic medicine: a new paradigm? J. of General Internal Medicine. 2005;20(9): 866-870. C-Change Publications
Mentoring faculty: a US national survey of its adequacy and linkage to culture in academic health centersPololi LH, Evans AT, Civian JT, Vasiliou V, Gibbs BK, Coplit LD, Gillum LH, Brennan RT. Mentoring faculty: a U.S. national survey of its adequacy and linkage to culture in academic health centers. J. Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 2015;35:176-184.C-Change Publications
Preparing culture change agents for academic medicine in a multi-institutional consortium: the C-Change Learning Action NetworkPololi LH, Krupat E, Schnell ER, Kern DE. Preparing culture change agents for academic medicine in a multi-institutional consortium: the C-Change Learning Action Network. J. Continuing Education in Health Professions. 2013;33:244-257.C-Change Publications
Psychological safety: creating a transformative culture in a faculty group peer-mentoring interventionLaird L, Bloom-Feshbach K, McNamara T, Gibbs B, Pololi L. Psychological safety: creating a transformative culture in a faculty group peer-mentoring intervention. TCOM&C. 2024;8(1):127-140. doi:10.62935/hz7383C-Change Publications
Randomized controlled trial of a group peer mentoring model for U.S. academic medicine research facultyPololi LH, Evans AT, Brimhall-Vargas M, Civian JT, Cooper LA, Gibbs BK, Ninteau K, Vasiliou V, Brennan RT. Randomized controlled trial of a group peer mentoring model for U.S. academic medicine research faculty. J Clin Trans Sci. 2023;7(1):e174. doi:10.1017/cts.2023.589C-Change Publications
Resident vitality in 34 programs at 14 academic health systems: insights for educating physicians for the futurePololi LH, Evans AT, Civian JT, Shea S, Brennan RT. Resident vitality in 34 programs at 14 academic health systems: insights for educating physicians for the future. J Surg Educ. 2018;75:1441-1451. doi: 10.1016/j.jsurg.2018.04.021C-Change Publications
The experience of minority faculty who are underrepresented in medicine, at 26 representative U.S. medical schoolsPololi LH, Evans AT, Gibbs BK, Krupat E, Brennan RT, Civian JT. The experience of minority faculty who are underrepresented in medicine, at 26 representative U.S. medical schools. Academic Medicine. 2013;88:1308-1314.C-Change Publications
Us, too. Sexual harassment within academic medicine in the United StatesPololi L, Brennan R, Civian J, Shea S, Brennan-Wydra E, Evans AT. Us, too. Sexual harassment within academic medicine in the U.S. The American Journal of Medicine. 2020;133:245-248. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2019.06.031.C-Change Publications
Why are a quarter of faculty considering leaving academic medicine? A study of their perceptions of institutional culture and intentions to leave at 26 representative U.S. medical schoolsPololi, LH, Krupat E, Civian JT, Ash AS, Brennan RT. Why are a quarter of faculty considering leaving academic medicine? A study of their perceptions of institutional culture and intention to leave in 26 representative medical schools. Academic Medicine. 2012;87:859-869.C-Change Publications
Women faculty: an analysis of their experiences in academic medicine and their coping strategiesPololi LH, Jones S.J. Women faculty: an analysis of their experiences in academic medicine and their coping strategies. Gender Medicine. 2010;7:438-450.C-Change Publications