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What We Do
C-Change is dedicated to enhancing the culture of academic medicine through research and action.
C-Change Surveys serve as a cornerstone for understanding and enhancing the academic environment in multiple disciplines.
C-Change offers assessment of the culture in academic health centers, as well as interventions and activities to foster positive change.
C-Change Mentoring & Leadership Institute
Mid-career faculty and leaders often lack mentoring and career planning. To address this, our Institute participants engage in a highly effective facilitated group peer mentoring process, avoiding the pitfalls of traditional one-on-one mentoring.
Recent Publications
Assessing institutional culture for inclusive excellence in the academic health sciences
Pololi LH, Brimhall-Vargas M, Madison MT. Assessing institutional culture for inclusive excellence in the academic health sciences. J Gen Intern Med. Published online August 8, 2024:s11606-024-08976-4. doi:10.1007/s11606-024-08976-4
Pololi LH, Evans AT, Civian JT, McNamara T, Brennan RT. Group peer mentoring is effective for different demographic groups of biomedical research faculty: a controlled trial. PLoS ONE. 19(3): e0300043. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0300043
Pololi LH, Evans AT, Brimhall-Vargas M, Civian JT, Cooper LA, Gibbs BK, Ninteau K, Vasiliou V, Brennan RT. Randomized controlled trial of a group peer mentoring model for U.S. academic medicine research faculty. J Clin Trans Sci. 2023;7(1):e174. doi:10.1017/cts.2023.589
Fostering Culture Change Since 2006
Research and Action on Collaborative Mentoring and Inclusive Excellence.
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C-Change Surveys
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